2023 澳大利亚新南威尔士州法律允许立即逮捕驾驶员,并进行积极的路边药物测试。 2023 NSW law in Australia allows immediate arrest of drivers with positive roadside drug tests.
澳大利亚新南威尔士州已颁布一项法律,自2023年9月1日起生效,允许警方在路边检测结果阳性后,立即逮捕涉嫌吸毒的司机. New South Wales, Australia, has enacted a law effective September 1, 2023, allowing police to arrest drivers suspected of drug impairment on the spot following a positive roadside test. 以前,司机必须被带到警察局进一步测试。 Previously, drivers had to be taken to a police station for further testing. 如果初始测试和随后的现场测试均呈阳性,机动车手将受到24小时驾驶禁令的限制。 If both the initial and a subsequent on-site test are positive, motorists face a 24-hour driving ban. 这项措施是对2023年17 500多次阳性药物测试的回应,与毒品有关的死亡人数超过酒后驾车造成的死亡人数。 This measure responds to over 17,500 positive drug tests in 2023, with drug-related fatalities exceeding those from drink driving.