由环境署牵头的多机构调查正在多尔塞特Verwood的一个涉嫌非法废物场进行。 A multi-agency investigation led by the Environment Agency is underway at a suspected illegal waste site in Verwood, Dorset.
由环境署牵头的多机构调查正在多尔塞特Verwood附近的一个涉嫌非法废物地点进行。 A multi-agency investigation led by the Environment Agency is underway at a suspected illegal waste site near Verwood, Dorset. 发现了包括烧焦物品在内的家庭废物的证据,引起了对环境污染和废物处理非法利润的关切。 Evidence of domestic waste, including burnt items, was discovered, raising concerns about environmental pollution and illegal profit from waste disposal. 这项行动旨在打击农村地区多尔塞特省日益严重的废物犯罪,并对有组织犯罪形成威慑。 This operation aims to combat rising waste crime in rural Dorset and create a deterrent against organized crime. 居民可以匿名举报可疑活动。 Residents can report suspicious activities anonymously.