墨尔本交响乐团拒绝钢琴家Jayson Gillham因政治舆论事件提出的赔偿要求。 Melbourne Symphony Orchestra rejects pianist Jayson Gillham's compensation request over political opinion incident.
墨尔本交响乐团(MSO)拒绝了钢琴家Jayson Gillham的补偿要求,因为他声称在一次音乐会中表达政治见解而受到歧视。 The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) rejected pianist Jayson Gillham's compensation request after he claimed discrimination for expressing a political opinion during a concert. 吉勒姆 (Gillham) 专门创作了一篇关于在加沙遇害的记者的作品,促使 MSO 取消了他随后的表演并向观众道歉。 Gillham dedicated a piece to journalists killed in Gaza, prompting the MSO to cancel his subsequent performance and apologize to the audience. 由于谈判失败,现在由Marque律师代表的Gillham坚持说,他不会撤回其言论,维护他作为艺术家的权利。 As negotiations have failed, Gillham, now represented by Marque Lawyers, insists he won't retract his statements, asserting his rights as an artist.