伊拉克向美国能源部门投资者提供10个天然气勘探区,目的是增加国内产量和减少伊朗进口。 Iraq offers 10 gas exploration blocks to US investors in its energy sector, aiming to increase domestic production and reduce Iranian imports.
伊拉克计划在石油部长Hayan Abdel-Ghani即将访问美国期间提供10块天然气勘探块,以吸引美国对其能源部门的投资。 Iraq plans to attract U.S. investment in its energy sector by offering 10 gas exploration blocks during Oil Minister Hayan Abdel-Ghani's upcoming visit to the United States. 这一举措仿效了以往由中国公司主导的许可证发放回合,目的是促进国内天然气生产,同时减少对伊朗进口的依赖。 This initiative follows previous licensing rounds dominated by Chinese firms and aims to boost domestic gas production while reducing reliance on Iranian imports. 伊拉克还准备在Al-Faihaa油田发起一个新的天然气项目,支持其加强能源基础设施和确保外国伙伴关系的战略。 Iraq is also set to launch a new gas project at the Al-Faihaa oil field, supporting its strategy to enhance energy infrastructure and secure foreign partnerships.