印度顶级男子单打网球运动员苏米特·纳加尔因背部受伤退出了对阵瑞典的戴维斯杯比赛. India's top men's singles tennis player Sumit Nagal withdraws from Davis Cup tie against Sweden due to back injury.
印度顶级男子单打网球运动员苏米特·纳加尔因背部受伤退出了对阵瑞典的戴维斯杯比赛, 根据医疗建议需要休息两周. Sumit Nagal, India's top men's singles tennis player, has withdrawn from the Davis Cup tie against Sweden due to a back injury, requiring two weeks of rest as per medical advice. 他在社交媒体上宣布了这一消息,并指出,同样的伤病导致他在美国公开赛的男子双打比赛中退出. He announced this on social media and noted that the same injury caused him to pull out of the men's doubles at the US Open. 戴维斯杯比赛定于9月14日至15日在斯德哥尔摩举行。 The Davis Cup matches are scheduled for September 14-15 in Stockholm.