由于建筑费用高昂,Cochrane区服务委员会要等待10至15年才能获得负担得起的住房。 Cochrane District Services Board faces 10-15 year wait times for affordable housing due to high construction costs.
安大略省东北部的Cochrane区服务委员会(CDSB)正在努力满足其80,000名居民对负担得起的住房日益增长的需求。 The Cochrane District Services Board (CDSB) in Northeastern Ontario is struggling to meet the rising demand for affordable housing among its 80,000 residents. 只有2 250个单元可供使用,等待时间可达10至15年。 With only 2,250 units available, wait times can reach 10 to 15 years. 建房费用高昂,一个1 000平方英尺的房屋平均需要400 000美元,阻碍了扩大住房备选方案的努力。 The high construction cost, averaging $400,000 for a 1,000-square-foot home, hampers efforts to expand housing options. 许多家庭在等待安置在有限的可用单位时,依靠临时生活状况。 Many families resort to temporary living situations while awaiting placement in the limited available units.