Cara Partners, Schwabe集团的一个子公司,对Cork的小岛设施投资1 300万欧元,创造了60个就业机会,开发了15种新的API产品。 Cara Partners, a Schwabe Group subsidiary, invests €130m in Cork's Little Island facility, creating 60 jobs and developing 15 new API products.
Cara Partners是德国Schwabe集团的一个子公司,正在投资1.3亿欧元,以更新和扩大爱尔兰科克的小岛设施。 Cara Partners, a subsidiary of Germany's Schwabe Group, is investing €130 million to modernize and expand its Little Island facility in Cork, Ireland. 预计这一举措将在今后四年内创造60个有技能的就业机会,并将侧重于开发15种新的活性药物成分产品。 This initiative is projected to create 60 skilled jobs over the next four years and will focus on developing 15 new active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) products. 这项投资在爱尔兰开发协会的支持下,凸显了Cork作为制药制造枢纽的吸引力。 Supported by IDA Ireland, this investment highlights Cork's appeal as a hub for pharmaceutical manufacturing.