BBC One 连续播音员在预播环节中错误地将“Sherwood”发音为“Sharewood”。 BBC One continuity announcer mistakenly pronounces "Sherwood" as "Sharewood" during pre-show segment.
在 BBC One 的犯罪剧《舍伍德》的预演片段中,一名连续播音员错误地将标题念成“Sharewood”,促使观众在社交媒体上表达他们的困惑和好笑。 During the pre-show segment for BBC One's crime drama "Sherwood," a continuity announcer mistakenly pronounced the title as "Sharewood," prompting viewers to express their confusion and amusement on social media. 第二部剧集于 8 月开播,由英国演员罗伯特·林赛 (Robert Lindsay) 饰演富兰克林·华纳 (Franklin Warner)。 The second series, which began in August, features British actor Robert Lindsay as Franklin Warner. 该节目继续每周在 BBC One 和 BBC iPlayer 上播出。 The show continues to air weekly on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.