Batemans Bay Seahawks的分队有资格参加堪培拉时报2024大决赛,这是俱乐部的第一个决赛。 Batemans Bay Seahawks' divisions qualify for Canberra Times 2024 grand finals, a first for the club.
Batemans Bay Seahawks家族通过让所有三个分会都有资格参加2024年堪培拉时报社区竞赛大决赛而创造了历史,这是俱乐部的第一个决赛。 The Batemans Bay Seahawks have made history by having all three of their divisions qualify for the Canberra Times 2024 Community competition grand finals, a first for the club. 计划9月7日在EPC太阳公园举行, 1区男子小组旨在捍卫其头衔, 妇女小组在去年损失后寻求救赎, 2区男子自2013年以来争夺第一个头衔。 Scheduled for September 7 at EPC Solar Park, the division 1 men's team aims to defend its title, the women's team seeks redemption after last year's loss, and the division 2 men compete for their first title since 2013. 业务经理迈克尔·肯尼对成功结果表示乐观。 Operations manager Michael Kenny expresses optimism for a successful outcome.