34岁的联合王国妇女被诊断出有脂肿,接受多次手术治疗,并通过TikTok提高认识。 34-year-old UK woman diagnosed with lipoedema, undergoes multiple surgeries for treatment and raises awareness via TikTok.
来自英国斯托克波特的 34 岁的 Rebecca Hickson 最近接受了她被诊断出患有脂肪水肿的诊断,这是一种罕见的疾病,会导致腿部脂肪堆积疼痛。 Rebecca Hickson, 34, from Stockport, UK, recently embraced her diagnosis of lipoedema, a rare condition causing painful fat accumulation in the legs. 经过多年的欺凌和对身体形象的挣扎,她准备接受多次手术治疗。 After years of bullying and struggle with body image, she is set to undergo multiple surgeries for treatment. Rebecca 感到被认可和解放,她计划在今年夏天展示她的双腿,并通过她的 TikTok 提高人们对脂肪水肿的认识,鼓励其他人了解这种疾病。 Feeling validated and liberated, Rebecca plans to showcase her legs this summer and raise awareness about lipoedema through her TikTok, encouraging others to learn about the condition.