35岁的智障妇女Angela Marie Estrella报告说在加利福尼亚诺沃克失踪。 35-year-old intellectually disabled woman Angela Marie Estrella reported missing in Norwalk, California.
Angela Marie Estrella, 35岁患有智力残疾的妇女,据报在加利福尼亚诺沃克失踪。 Angela Marie Estrella, a 35-year-old woman with an intellectual disability, was reported missing in Norwalk, California. 最后一次见到她是在8月29日 在菲德尔大道14000个街区附近 She was last seen near the 14000 block of Fidel Avenue on August 29. 埃斯特雷拉5尺6寸 体重135磅 有黑头发和棕眼睛 Estrella is 5'6", weighs 135 pounds, and has black hair and brown eyes. 她穿着紫色的上衣和红色的短裤 She was wearing a purple top and red shorts. 洛杉矶郡警署正在要求公众协助找到她的下落,并鼓励任何有情报的人与其失踪人员股或犯罪制止者联系。 The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is asking for public assistance in locating her and encourages anyone with information to contact their Missing Persons Unit or Crime Stoppers.