在得克萨斯州El Paso东北的Bomarc和Woodrow Bean十字路口发生1辆汽车、1辆摩托车的致命撞车;调查正在进行中。 1-vehicle, 1-motorcycle fatal crash at Bomarc and Woodrow Bean intersection in Northeast El Paso, Texas; investigation ongoing.
星期六在德克萨斯州El Paso东北的Bomarc和Woodrow Bean交汇处发生致命的摩托车撞车事故,造成一人死亡。 A fatal motorcycle crash occurred Saturday at the intersection of Bomarc and Woodrow Bean in Northeast El Paso, Texas, resulting in one death. 这次碰撞涉及一辆摩托车和一辆汽车,导致Dyer前Woodrow Bean所有西行道被关闭。 The collision involved a motorcycle and a vehicle, prompting the closure of all westbound lanes on Woodrow Bean before Dyer. 埃尔帕索警察和特别交通调查员正在现场调查这一事件。 El Paso police and Special Traffic Investigators are on-site to investigate the incident. 目前尚不清楚重新开放车道的时间表。 The timeline for reopening the lanes is currently unknown.