Hulu 的《告诉我谎言》的明星格蕾丝·范·帕滕和杰克逊·怀特在 9 月 4 日首映前在纽约宣传第 2 季。 Stars Grace Van Patten and Jackson White of Hulu's 'Tell Me Lies' promote 2nd season in NYC ahead of Sept 4 premiere.
格蕾丝·范·帕滕和杰克逊·怀特 Hulu的《告诉我谎言》的明星 正在纽约市宣传第二季 Grace Van Patten and Jackson White, stars of Hulu's 'Tell Me Lies,' are promoting the show's second season in New York City. 他们曾多次公开露面,包括在美国早安节目中,在本季首映之前,该节目定于9月4日,在Hulu上发布两集. They have made several public appearances, including on Good Morning America, ahead of the season's premiere, which is set for September 4, featuring the release of two episodes on Hulu.