摩根大通维持对 Hochschild Mining 的“增持”评级,设定了 250 英镑的目标价。 JPMorgan maintains "overweight" rating for Hochschild Mining, setting a £250 price target.
摩根大通公司重申了对Hochschild Mining(LON:HOC)的“超配”评级,设定了每股250英镑(3.30美元)的目标价格。 JPMorgan Chase & Co. has reaffirmed an "overweight" rating for Hochschild Mining (LON:HOC), setting a price target of £250 ($3.30) per share. 该公司主要在秘鲁、阿根廷和智利从事金银开采,其平均评级为“Moderate Buy”,协商一致的目标是180英镑(2.37美元)。 The company, which focuses on gold and silver mining primarily in Peru, Argentina, and Chile, has an average rating of "Moderate Buy" with a consensus target of £180 ($2.37). 包括Canacord Genuity和Berenberg银行在内的其他分析家也发布了不同的股票评级和价格目标。 Other analysts, including Canaccord Genuity and Berenberg Bank, have also issued varying ratings and price targets for the stock.