前OSOM CPO Mary Stone Ross起诉CEO Jason Keats, 指控滥用资金用于个人开支。 Former OSOM CPO Mary Stone Ross sues CEO Jason Keats, alleging misuse of funds for personal expenses.
OSOM产品前首席隐私官员Mary Stone Ross起诉CEO Jason Keats,指控他挪用公司资金支付个人开支,包括两笔兰博基尼和赛车费。 Mary Stone Ross, former Chief Privacy Officer of OSOM Products, has sued CEO Jason Keats, alleging he misappropriated company funds for personal expenses, including two Lamborghinis and racing costs. Ross寻求法院查阅公司记录以证实她的申诉。 Ross seeks court access to company records to substantiate her claims. 据报道,OSOM 的财务资源紧张,该公司以“古怪”为由驳斥这些指控,并发誓要在法庭上对这些指控提出异议。 OSOM's financial resources are reportedly strained, and the company has dismissed the allegations as "outlandish," vowing to contest them in court.