2025年捷克拟议预算旨在将赤字减少到国内生产总值的2%,维持北约的国防开支,提高教师工资,增加投资。 2025 Czech budget proposal aims to reduce deficit to 2% GDP, maintain NATO defence spending, raise teacher salaries, and increase investment.
捷克财政部提出了2025年预算,旨在将赤字减少9%,达到国内生产总值的2%,财政缺口为2 300亿克朗(102亿美元)。 The Czech Finance Ministry has proposed a 2025 budget aiming to reduce the deficit by 9% to about 2% of GDP, targeting a fiscal gap of 230 billion crowns ($10.2 billion). 草案将国防开支维持在北约2%的GDP要求, 提高教师工资, 增加投资资金。 The draft maintains defense spending at NATO's 2% GDP requirement, increases teacher salaries, and boosts investment funding. 政府将在9月底在联盟内部紧张局势下,先对提案进行辩论,然后最后敲定提案,供议会在9月底提交。 The government will debate the proposal before finalizing it for parliamentary submission by the end of September, amid internal coalition tensions.