审计处警告说,工作量增加、影响财务监督和合规的资金不足。 Audit office warns of insufficient funding for increased workload, impacting financial oversight and compliance.
审计办公室已发出警告,说没有足够的资金来应付增加的工作量。 The audit office has issued a warning about insufficient funding to manage an increased workload. 这种情况可能影响办事处有效监督财务业务和确保遵守规定的能力。 This situation may impact the office's ability to effectively oversee financial operations and ensure compliance. 这一信息在多个区域出版物中得到响应,凸显了对审计做法的可持续性和对财务报告问责制的潜在影响的关切。 The message is echoed across multiple regional publications, highlighting concerns about the sustainability of audit practices and potential implications for accountability in financial reporting.