Apple和Google为旅馆介绍数字房钥匙,取代传统的钥匙卡。 Apple and Google introduce digital room keys for hotels, replacing traditional key cards.
苹果钱包和谷歌钱包正在推出数字房钥匙,旨在取代传统的酒店钥匙卡。 Apple Wallet and Google Wallet are introducing digital room keys, aiming to replace traditional hotel key cards. 虽然许多连锁酒店正在采用这一技术,但目前只有14%的客人使用数字钥匙。 While many hotel chains are adopting this technology, only 14% of guests currently use digital keys. 虽然无钥匙系统提供了方便和安全感,但安保专家对其可靠性表示关切。 Although keyless systems offer convenience and a sense of safety, security experts raise concerns about their reliability. 向数字锁的过渡涉及巨大的成本和兼容性挑战,表明传统钥匙可能会持续一段时间。 Transitioning to digital locks involves significant costs and compatibility challenges, suggesting traditional keys may persist for some time.