42岁的Dewayne Price因剥削未成年人、教唆虐待儿童和拥有儿童色情制品被判处32年徒刑。 42-year-old Dewayne Price sentenced to 32 years for exploiting a minor, soliciting child abuse, and possessing child pornography.
来自Ooltewah的42岁的Dewayne Douglas Price因剥削未成年人和拥有儿童色情制品被判处32年监禁。 42-year-old Dewayne Douglas Price from Ooltewah was sentenced to 32 years in prison for exploiting a minor and possessing child pornography. 他向全美国的妇女求助, 虐待她们的孩子, 并给他发送图像, 一些妇女受到指控。 He solicited women across the US to abuse their children and send him images, with some women being charged. 联邦调查局和汉密尔顿郡治安官办公室合作进行调查,一旦释放,Price将受到监督,终生释放,登记为性犯罪人。 The FBI and Hamilton County Sheriff's Office collaborated on the investigation, and upon release, Price will be on supervised release for life and register as a sex offender.