42岁的女演员Jessica Biel和儿子参加了8月29日的美国公开网球比赛。 42-year-old actress Jessica Biel and son attended US Open tennis match on August 29.
42岁的女演员Jessica Biel和她9岁的儿子Silas参加了8月29日在纽约市举行的美国公开网球锦标赛。 42-year-old actress Jessica Biel and her 9-year-old son Silas attended the US Open tennis championship in New York City on August 29. 这对母子二人组是一次罕见的公开郊游,他们观看了 Karolína Muchova 和 Naomi Osaka 之间的比赛。 It was a rare public outing for the mother-son duo, who watched a match between Karolína Muchova and Naomi Osaka. 这标志着Biel曾几次带孩子参加公共活动,因为她和丈夫Justin Timberlake努力保护孩子的隐私,为他们提供正常的抚养。 This marks one of the few times Biel has brought her children to public events, as she and husband Justin Timberlake have made efforts to protect their children's privacy and provide them with a normal upbringing.