Google在美国总统大选期间执行对AI服务的保障措施, Google implements safeguards on AI services during US presidential election to prevent misinformation.
Google对AI服务实施保障, 如搜索AI Governews、YouTube现场聊天摘要、Gemini图像生成等, 以防止美国总统大选期间出现错误信息。 Google implements safeguards on AI services like Search AI Overviews, YouTube Live Chat summaries, and Gemini image generation to prevent misinformation during the US presidential election. 新措施包括对与选举有关的询问、内容标签、数字水印和谷歌地图投票地点信息的有限答复。 The new measures include restricted responses to election-related queries, content labels, digital watermarking, and polling place information on Google Maps. Google还在政府官方应用程序上加盖徽章, 提供功能, 帮助用户登记投票及在YouTube上找到有关候选人及政党的可信信息。 Google also adds a badge to official government apps and offers features to help users register to vote and find credible information on candidates and parties on YouTube.