GE Vernova确认在美国和英国存在无关的刀片故障,并实施了纠正措施,股价上涨了3%。 GE Vernova confirms unrelated blade failures in US & UK, implementing corrective actions and shares rise 3%.
GE Vernova向利益相关者保证,最近在美国和英国发生的海上风力涡轮机叶片故障无关,将最近的事故归因于强风。 GE Vernova reassures stakeholders that recent offshore wind turbine blade failures in the US & UK are unrelated, attributing the latest mishap to strong winds. 该公司正在采取纠正行动,宣布后股份上涨了3%。 The company is implementing corrective actions and shares rose 3% following the announcement. 该公司正在调查过去四个月中发生的三起独立的叶片事件,其中包括约克郡海岸附近的 Dogger Bank 风电场和马萨诸塞州海岸附近的 Vineyard Wind 项目的故障。 The firm is investigating three separate blade incidents in the past four months, which include failures at the Dogger Bank wind farm off the coast of Yorkshire and the Vineyard Wind project off the coast of Massachusetts.