33岁的Matthew Newbourd承认偷窃一个大猩猩雕像,面临偷窃和无证驾驶的指控。 33-year-old Matthew Newbould admitted stealing a gorilla statue, facing theft and unlicensed driving charges.
33岁的Matthew Newbourd承认从墨尔本一个退休村庄偷20公斤大猩猩雕像Garry是一个“非常愚蠢的”错误。 33-year-old Matthew Newbould admitted to stealing a beloved 20kg gorilla statue, Garry, from a retirement village in Melbourne as a "very silly" mistake. 他于 7 月 5 日被捕,此前一名公众发现他和雕像一起坐在租来的 ute 中。 He was arrested on July 5 after a member of the public spotted him with the statue in a rented ute. 面对盗窃和无执照驾驶的结合, 纽博尔德将在9月的判决听证会之前接受社区纠正命令评估. Facing a combination of theft and unlicensed driving, Newbould will undergo a community corrections order assessment ahead of a sentencing hearing in September.