22岁的Aniket Gounder从电影制片人Swapna Waghmare Joshi那里偷走了6 000卢比,在闭路电视上记录了盗窃事件后被捕。 22-year-old Aniket Gounder, who stole Rs 6,000 from filmmaker Swapna Waghmare Joshi, was apprehended after the theft was recorded on CCTV.
22岁的Aniket Gounder是一个小偷,从Marathati制片人Swapna Waghmare Joshi的孟买公寓偷走了6 000卢比,他被捕并供认用钱购买毒品。 22-year-old Aniket Gounder, a thief who stole Rs 6,000 from Marathi filmmaker Swapna Waghmare Joshi's Mumbai apartment, was apprehended and confessed to using the money to buy drugs. 闭路电视记录了盗窃事件,导致 Gounder 的身份被识别并在距离 Joshi 住所 2 公里处被捕。 The theft was recorded on CCTV, leading to Gounder's identification and arrest 2 km from Joshi's residence. 电影制作人的女儿和女婿被他们的猫叫醒,随后他们叫喊,把小偷吓跑了。 The filmmaker's daughter and son-in-law were awakened by their cat and their subsequent shouts scared the thief away.