42岁的电视主持人劳拉·汉密尔顿计划翻修她在马洛卡的第一个海外房产。 42-year-old TV presenter Laura Hamilton plans to renovate her first overseas property in Mallorca.
42 岁的电视节目主持人劳拉·汉密尔顿 (Laura Hamilton) 以其在《阳光下的地方》中的工作而闻名,她分享了她的最新追求 - 马略卡岛的房地产翻新项目。 42-year-old TV presenter Laura Hamilton, known for her work on A Place in the Sun, has shared her latest pursuit - a property renovation project in Mallorca. 这位出生于苏格兰的明星自 2012 年以来一直参加第 4 频道的房产搜索节目,在房地产方面拥有丰富的经验,并计划翻新她的第一处海外房产。 The Scottish-born star, who has been on the Channel 4 property-hunting show since 2012, has extensive experience in real estate and plans to renovate her first overseas property. 劳拉将这个过程描述为既“神秘又伟大”, 并解释说这为她提供了新的洞察力和知识。 Laura has described the process as both "scary and great" and explained that it has provided her with new insights and knowledge.