据悉, 澳大利亚女足队长德文在世界杯后辞去女子T20队长职务, 专注于领导力发展. New Zealand's Sophie Devine steps down as Women's T20 captain after World Cup, focusing on leadership development.
新西兰女子 T20 板球队长索菲·德文 (Sophie Devine) 宣布她决定在 10 月的女子 T20 世界杯后辞去该职务,专注于她的比赛角色和培养未来的领导者。 New Zealand's Sophie Devine, the Women's T20 cricket captain, announces her decision to step down from the role after the Women's T20 World Cup in October, focusing on her playing role and nurturing future leaders. 她将继续领导ODI方面。 She will continue leading the ODI side. 曾在 56 场 T20 比赛中担任队长的 Devine 表示,不再一次担任一种形式的队长将为下一代领导者提供发展技能的机会。 Devine, who has captained in 56 T20s, expresses that stepping away from captaining one format at a time will provide opportunities for the next generation of leaders to develop their skills.