为北达科他州道德操守委员会席位挑选了5名决赛选手;接下来是公开采访和书面答复。 5 finalists selected for North Dakota Ethics Commission seat; public interviews and written responses next.
北达科他州道德委员会席位的 5 名决赛入围者:Leslie Bakken Oliver(俾斯麦律师)、Murray Sagsveen(福音路德教会律师)、Arland Rasmussen(前西法戈警察局长)、Michael Reitan(前西法戈警察局长)和 Charleen Gust(自由撰稿人、营销专家)。 5 finalists selected for North Dakota Ethics Commission seat: Leslie Bakken Oliver (Bismarck lawyer), Murray Sagsveen (Evangelical Lutheran Church attorney), Arland Rasmussen (former West Fargo police chief), Michael Reitan (former West Fargo police chief), and Charleen Gust (freelance writer, marketing specialist). 决赛者是由政府挑选的 Finalists were chosen by Gov. Doug Burgum,参议院多数派领袖David Hogue, 参议院少数派领袖Kathy Hogan。 Doug Burgum, Senate Majority Leader David Hogue, and Senate Minority Leader Kathy Hogan. 下一步是公开采访和对准备的问题作出书面答复。 The next step involves public interviews and written responses to prepared questions. 新任命者将接替即将卸任的主席保罗·理查德。 New appointee will replace retiring Chair Paul Richard.