由于COVID-19和需求下降,澳大利亚时装品牌迪昂·李因欠款超过3500万美元而倒闭,关闭了6家澳大利亚商店. Australian fashion brand Dion Lee liquidates, owing over $35M, due to COVID-19 and decreased demand, closing 6 Australian stores.
澳大利亚时尚品牌 Dion Lee 以为泰勒·斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift) 和梅根·马克尔 (Meghan Markle) 等名人提供服装而闻名,该公司因欠款超过 3500 万美元而陷入清算。 Australian fashion brand Dion Lee, known for dressing celebrities like Taylor Swift and Meghan Markle, collapsed into liquidation owing over $35 million. 该公司于2009年由Dion Lee创建,由于COVID-19和服装需求下降,面临越来越大的财政压力。 Founded by Dion Lee in 2009, the company faced mounting financial pressures due to COVID-19 and a decrease in demand for its clothing. 它的六个澳大利亚商店将于10月关闭,而美国手臂将不受影响。 Its six Australian stores will close by October, while the US arm remains unaffected.