30岁的YouTube主厨Daniel Sancho Bronchalo在泰国因谋杀哥伦比亚整形外科医生Edwin Arrieta Arteaga并肢解尸体而被判处终身监禁。 30-year-old YouTube chef Daniel Sancho Bronchalo was sentenced to life imprisonment in Thailand for murdering Colombian plastic surgeon Edwin Arrieta Arteaga and dismembering the body.
30岁的YouTube厨师Daniel Sancho Bronchalo是西班牙演员之子,因在泰国Koh Pha-ngan岛蓄意谋杀哥伦比亚整形外科医生Edwin Arrieta Arteaga,在泰国被判处无期徒刑。 30-year-old YouTube chef Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, son of Spanish actors, was sentenced to life imprisonment in Thailand for the premeditated murder of Colombian plastic surgeon Edwin Arrieta Arteaga on the Thai island of Koh Pha-ngan. Sancho最初声称自卫,但被判定犯有肢解受害人尸体和处置零部件的罪行。 Sancho initially claimed self-defense, but was found guilty of dismembering the victim's body and disposing of the parts. Koh Samui省法院最初判处Sancho死刑,但由于他在审判期间的合作,将其减为无期徒刑。 The Koh Samui Provincial Court had initially sentenced Sancho to death but commuted it to life imprisonment due to his cooperation during the trial.