9月5日,总统拜登访问威斯康星州,展示2022年《降低通货膨胀法》提出的可再生能源政策和降低成本倡议。 President Biden visits Wisconsin on Sept 5th to showcase renewable energy policies and cost-lowering initiatives from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.
拜登总统将于9月5日访问威斯康星州, 强调他支持可再生能源、先进制造业和降低成本的政策, President Biden will visit Wisconsin on September 5th to emphasize his policies supporting renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, and efforts to lower costs, as outlined in the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. 这次访问旨在展示这些政策如何对威斯康星社区,特别是小城镇和农村地区产生积极影响。 The visit aims to showcase how these policies positively impact Wisconsin communities, particularly small towns and rural areas. 民主党认为威斯康星州在11月的总统选举中取得选举成功的关键,拜登在2020年以微弱的优势获胜. Democrats consider Wisconsin a crucial state for their electoral success in the November presidential election, where Biden won by a narrow margin in 2020.