明尼苏达州参议员妮可·米切尔 (Nicole Mitchell) 对闯入她分居的继母家中取回感性物品和她父亲的骨灰的重罪入室盗窃指控不认罪。 Minnesota State Senator Nicole Mitchell pleads not guilty to felony burglary charges of breaking into her estranged stepmother's home to retrieve sentimental items and her father's ashes.
明尼苏达州参议员、民主党人妮可·米切尔 (Nicole Mitchell) 对贝克尔县的入室盗窃重罪指控不认罪,此前她涉嫌闯入她分居的继母的家中取回具有情感价值的物品,包括她已故父亲的骨灰。 Minnesota State Senator Nicole Mitchell, a Democrat, has pleaded not guilty to felony burglary charges in Becker County after allegedly breaking into her estranged stepmother's home to retrieve items of sentimental value, including her late father's ashes. 国家不得辩称米切尔偷了一台笔记本电脑是他们入室盗窃案的一部分。 The state is barred from arguing that Mitchell stole a laptop as part of their burglary case. Mitchell的辩护撤回了以缺乏可能理由为由驳回此案的动议,并要求召开和解会议和陪审团审判。 Mitchell's defense withdrew a motion to dismiss the case for lack of probable cause and requested a settlement conference and jury trial. 共和党人要求米切尔 辞去她的州参议院席位 Republicans have called for Mitchell to resign her state Senate seat.