Meta的Llama AI模型被高盛和AT&T等公司使用3.5亿次下载。 350 million downloads of Meta's Llama AI models used by companies like Goldman Sachs and AT&T.
自去年以来,Meta的Llama AI模型已下载3.5亿次,包括高盛和AT&T等公司用于客户服务、文件审查和代码生成等任务。 Meta's Llama AI models, available since last year, have seen 350 million downloads, including usage by companies like Goldman Sachs and AT&T for tasks such as customer service, document review, and code generation. 这些模型为各种行业所采用,通过AWS、Azure和Google Cloud等云源提供商进入。 The models are employed by various industries and have been accessed through cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Meta的Llama版第3.1版自上个月启动以来,吸引了2 000万次下载。 Meta's Llama release, version 3.1, attracted 20 million downloads since its launch last month.