ICO认为,工党一再未能履行数据保护义务,特别是在处理 " 接触对象 " 请求方面。 ICO finds Labour Party repeatedly failed to meet data protection obligations, particularly in handling Subject Access Requests.
英国信息专员办公室 (ICO) 发现工党一再未能履行数据保护义务,特别是处理主体访问请求 (SAR) 和回应询问该党对其个人信息的个人. The UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has found the Labour Party repeatedly failed to meet data protection obligations, specifically in handling Subject Access Requests (SARs) and responding to individuals who asked what personal information the party held on them. 据报告,工党对超过78%的ARA没有反应,一半以上的SAR延迟了一年多。 The Labour Party was reportedly unresponsive to over 78% of SARs, with more than half delayed by over a year. ICO的调查发现,自2021年11月以来,一个与网络攻击有关的“隐私箱”一直没有受到监测,导致搜救报告没有得到答复,要求删除数据。 The ICO's investigation discovered that a "privacy inbox" related to a cyber attack had not been monitored since November 2021, resulting in unanswered SARs and requests for data deletion. 此后,该缔约方指派了三名临时工作人员处理未决请求,分配额外资金,并执行一项行动计划,以确保今后迅速作出反应。 The party has since assigned three temporary members of staff to tackle outstanding requests, allocated extra funding, and implemented an action plan to ensure prompt responses in the future.