Gain Therapeutics 宣布实验性帕金森病药物 GT-02287 获得安全且耐受性良好的 1 期结果。 Gain Therapeutics announces safe and well-tolerated Phase 1 results for experimental Parkinson's drug GT-02287.
Gain Therapeutics 宣布其治疗帕金森病的实验药物 GT-02287 的 1 期试验取得积极结果,表明其安全且耐受性良好。 Gain Therapeutics announces positive results from its Phase 1 trial of experimental drug GT-02287 for Parkinson's disease, showing it to be safe and well-tolerated. 该公司计划由Q4 2024开始对PD病人进行试验,以证明安全性、病人可忍受性和机制证明。 The company plans to start a trial in PD patients by Q4 2024 to demonstrate safety, patient tolerability, and proof of mechanism. GT-02287,一种以GCase为目标的小分子,使用其外围目标,存在于脑脊髓液中。 GT-02287, a GCase-targeting small molecule, engages its peripheral target and is present in cerebrospinal fluid.