中国大使馆代表在KY列克星顿Tates Creek中学观看IB中文课。 Chinese Embassy representatives observed IB Chinese language classes at Tates Creek Middle School in Lexington, KY.
中国大使馆代表Hongmin Jiang女士和Yan Li女士参观了位于列克星顿的Tates Creek中学,观察国际学士学位方案中文班。 Chinese Embassy representatives Ms. Hongmin Jiang and Ms. Yan Li visited Tates Creek Middle School in Lexington, KY to observe the International Baccalaureate program's (IB) Chinese language classes. 他们赞赏学生使用自己的母语,并鼓励学生继续在高中和大学学习。 They appreciated students' engagement with their native language and encouraged continued study in high school and college. 该方案旨在促进文化理解和语言熟练程度。 The program aims to promote cultural understanding and language proficiency.