波音和尼日利亚签署谅解备忘录,使航空部门现代化,促进经济增长。 Boeing and Nigeria sign MoU to modernize aviation sector, promote economic growth.
Boeing和尼日利亚签署了加强尼日利亚航空业的谅解备忘录。 Boeing and Nigeria have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance Nigeria's aviation industry. 该伙伴关系旨在通过改善基础设施、培训和安全标准,促进经济增长,使该国的航空部门现代化。 The partnership aims to modernize the country's aviation sector through improved infrastructure, training, and safety standards, fostering economic growth. 波音将提供技术支助、资源和专门知识,帮助发展尼日利亚航空部门,促进区域连通性和就业机会。 Boeing will provide technical support, resources, and expertise to help develop Nigeria's aviation sector, promoting regional connectivity and job opportunities.