257个芬太尼药丸、大麻和一把手枪被从家中缴获后,Keyariss Malik McCarthur因贩毒和持有大麻被捕。 26-year-old Sheffield resident Keyariss Malik McCarthur was arrested for drug trafficking and marijuana possession after 257 fentanyl pills, marijuana, and a handgun were seized from his home.
26岁的Keyariss Malik McCarthur是阿拉巴马州居民,Sheffield,阿拉巴马州居民,被Colbert县警察局和缉毒工作队逮捕。 26-year-old Keyariss Malik McCarthur, a Sheffield, Alabama resident, was arrested by Colbert County Sheriff's Office and Drug Task Force. 在Tuscumbia的家中搜查后,缴获了257个芬太尼药丸、6.7克大麻和一支9毫米半自动手枪。 A search at his home in Tuscumbia led to the seizure of 257 fentanyl pills, 6.7g of marijuana, and a 9mm semi-auto handgun. McCarthur面临贩毒和持有大麻的指控,押金为15万美元。 McCarthur faces drug trafficking and marijuana possession charges, with a $150,000 bond.