土耳其伊兹密尔Paloma Pasha度假胜地45周年假期,因食物或饮料受污染引起的疾病而中断;受害者寻求法律调查。 45th anniversary vacation at Paloma Pasha resort, Izmir, Turkey, disrupted by illness linked to contaminated food or drink; victim seeks legal investigation.
约翰·克洛斯 (John Cross) 在土耳其伊兹密尔帕洛玛帕夏度假村 (Paloma Pasha resort) 的豪华假期被毁了,因为他和他的朋友们疑似感染了与受污染的食物或饮料有关的细菌感染。 John Cross' luxury holiday at Paloma Pasha resort, Izmir, Turkey, was ruined when he and his friends fell ill with a suspected bacterial infection linked to contaminated food or drink. 包罗万象的旅行费用为3 490.44英镑,本来是庆祝这对夫妇45周年的,但疾病和住院在节日上却造成一个障碍。 The all-inclusive trip cost £3,490.44 and was meant to celebrate the couple's 45th anniversary, but illnesses and hospitalizations put a damper on the holiday. 十字架已指示国际严重伤害律师Irwin Mitchell调查事件并寻找答案。 Cross has instructed Irwin Mitchell, international serious injury lawyers, to investigate and seek answers about the incident. 律师们正在呼吁其他留在求助中心的人,如果他们有类似的症状,请站出来,因为胃病可能会对健康造成长期风险。 The lawyers are calling for other people who have stayed at the resort to come forward if they experienced similar symptoms, as gastric illness can have long-term health risks.