尼日利亚埃博尼州立大学学生指控当地警察敲诈、骚扰和恐吓。 Students at Ebonyi State University in Nigeria accuse local police of extortion, harassment, and intimidation.
尼日利亚埃博尼州立大学学生指控当地警察敲诈、骚扰和恐吓,促使工会主席写信给警察局长。 Students at Ebonyi State University in Nigeria accuse local police of extortion, harassment, and intimidation, prompting their union president to send a letter to the Commissioner of Police. 学生工会寻求参与评估被拘留者的申诉,并要求对这种行为发出公共秩序警告。 The students' union seeks involvement in assessing detainee complaints and demands a public order warning against such behavior. 警察尚未对指控作出评论。 The police have yet to comment on the allegations.