1人死于FLL湖地附近一辆火车搭车卡车碰撞,原因不明。 1 person died in a train-pickup truck collision near Lakeland, FL; cause unknown.
拉克兰火车与皮卡车撞击造成1人死亡:周二在佛罗里达州拉克兰附近发生了一起致命事故, 1 dead in Lakeland train vs. pickup truck crash: A fatal accident occurred near Lakeland, FL on Tuesday when a pickup truck collided with an empty cargo train on railroad tracks. 卡车司机在现场被宣布死亡, 事故原因尚不清楚. The pickup truck driver was pronounced dead at the scene, while the cause of the crash remains unknown. 当局已要求司机避开该地区,并采用其他路线。 Authorities have requested drivers to avoid the area and take alternate routes.