以巴基斯坦为基地的恐怖分子Ghori敦促印度穆斯林青年用新视频攻击铁路基础设施。 Pakistan-based terrorist Ghori urges Indian Muslim youth to attack rail infrastructure in new video.
与班加罗尔 Rameshwaram 咖啡馆爆炸案有关的巴基斯坦恐怖分子 Farhatullah Ghori 在 Telegram 上发布了一段视频,敦促印度穆斯林青年攻击铁路基础设施、政府官员和印度教领袖。 Pakistan-based terrorist Farhatullah Ghori, linked to the Rameshwaram Cafe blast in Bengaluru, released a video on Telegram urging Indian Muslim youth to attack rail infrastructure, government officials, and Hindu leaders. Ghori在影片中呼吁德里和孟买等大城市大规模列车脱轨。 In the video, Ghori calls for large-scale train derailments in major cities like Delhi and Mumbai. 印度情报机构正在监测潜在的威胁,并调查与最近印度铁路上的破坏事件的联系。 Indian intelligence agencies are monitoring potential threats and investigating links to recent sabotage incidents on Indian railways.