诺基亚制造商HMD全球与马特尔合作, 推出一款99英的复古粉红色芭比特色翻盖手机. Nokia-maker HMD Global partners with Mattel to launch a retro pink Barbie feature flip phone for £99.
Nokia-phone Makerer HMD Global与玩具公司Mattel合作, 推出一个复式芭比电话, Nokia-phone maker HMD Global has partnered with toy company Mattel to launch a retro Barbie Phone, a feature flip phone with a pink design. 8月份出售的99英镑(131.24美元)装置支持电话和文本,但无法使用社交媒体应用程序。 The £99 ($131.24) device, which went on sale in August, supports calls and texts but lacks access to social media apps. 其键盘的功能是隐藏的设计,在黑暗中亮亮,电话中还包括一个基本的相机。 Its keypad features hidden designs that light up in the dark and the phone also includes a basic camera. 此次发布恰逢芭比娃娃成立 65 周年,也是继去年两家公司合作取得成功之后。 The launch coincides with the 65th anniversary of the Barbie doll and follows the success of last year's collaboration between the two companies.