裸酒公司报告,税前损失16.3亿英镑,销售下降18%,重复业务下降25%。 Naked Wines reports £16.3M pre-tax loss, 18% sales decline, and 25% drop in repeat business.
伦敦上市的在线葡萄酒卖家Naked Wines在截至4月1日的12个月内报告了1630万英的税前损失, 较去年1500万英增加. Naked Wines, a London-listed online wine seller, reports £16.3M pre-tax loss for the 12 months to April 1, a widening from £15M the previous year. 现有客户的重复业务从25%降至63.5亿英镑,销售额下降18%,降至290亿英镑。 Sales fell 18% to £290M as repeat business from existing customers fell 25% to £63.5M. 尽管如此,主席罗万·高姆利(Rowan Gormley)表示, 该公司正在“取得真正的进展, Despite this, Chairman Rowan Gormley says the company is "making real progress turning things around". 首席财务官Dominic Neary将于11月11日加入. New CFO, Dominic Neary, will join November 11.