由于潜在的掩盖问题,法官拒绝保释被控杀害图帕克·沙库尔的前帮派领导人。 Judge denies bail for ex-gang leader accused of killing Tupac Shakur due to potential cover-up concerns.
法官拒绝对被指控杀害 Tupac Shakur 的前帮派头目保释:Duane “Keffe” Davis 是洛杉矶地区的前帮派头目,被指控在 1996 年谋杀说唱歌手 Tupac Shakur,法官拒绝保释,理由是担心音乐行业可能掩盖事实。 Judge Denies Bail for Ex-Gang Leader Accused of Killing Tupac Shakur: Duane "Keffe D" Davis, a former Los Angeles-area gang leader accused of murdering rapper Tupac Shakur in 1996, has been denied bail by a judge who cited concerns about a potential cover-up in the music industry. 法官表示怀疑,保释金可能与在电视系列中报道Davis的故事的交易有关。 The judge expressed suspicion that the money provided for bail may be connected to a deal to tell Davis' story in a TV series. 戴维斯多年来一直声称他在帮派策划的射杀这位说唱歌手中扮演了重要角色, Davis has claimed for years that he played a significant role in the gang-orchestrated shooting of the rapper, drawing scrutiny from prosecutors. 2023年,一个大陪审团指控他犯有一项使用致命武器杀人罪。 In 2023, a grand jury indicted him on one count of murder with use of a deadly weapon. 内华达州第八司法地区法院的Carli Kierny法官拒绝释放Davis,因为对本来用于保释的资金来源有争议。 Judge Carli Kierny of the Eighth Judicial District Court in Nevada refused to release Davis due to a dispute over the source of the funds that would have been used for bail.