伊利诺伊州法案提倡提交不同代表性和可能通过的国旗设计文件。 Illinois bill promotes flag design submission for diverse representation and potential adoption.
伊利诺伊州居民可以自9月3日起提交国旗设计, Illinois residents can submit flag designs starting September 3, as a new bill aims to replace the current flag with one that better represents the state's diverse communities and promotes pride. 伊利诺伊州国旗委员会将在1月份为公众投票选择10个设计,如果经伊利诺伊州大会核准,可采用新国旗。 The Illinois Flag Commission will choose 10 designs for public voting in January, and if approved by the Illinois General Assembly, a new flag may be adopted. 在明尼苏达州、密歇根州和缅因州等其他州也采取了类似举措。 This initiative follows similar efforts in other states like Minnesota, Michigan, and Maine.