俄克拉荷马州Tulsa东41街致命摩托车事故导致部分道路关闭。 Fatal motorcycle accident on East 41st Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma leads to partial road closure.
俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨市东 41 街发生一起致命的摩托车事故,导致 Memorial 和 Mingo 路之间的道路部分关闭。 A fatal motorcycle accident on East 41st Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma has led to a partial closure of the road between Memorial and Mingo Roads. 图尔萨警察正在调查这一事件,并劝告公众避开该地区,在道路重新开通之前选择其他路线。 Tulsa police are investigating the incident and advise the public to avoid the area and take alternative routes until the road is reopened. 预计这条道路将关闭数小时。 The road is expected to remain closed for several hours.