Bollywood女演员Sushmita Sen用一封情感Instagram的文章庆祝女儿Alisah15岁生日。 Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen celebrates daughter Alisah's 15th birthday with an emotional Instagram post.
Bollywood女演员Sushmita Sen用一封充满情感的Instagram文章庆祝她15岁的女儿Alisah生日, Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen celebrated her 15-year-old daughter Alisah's birthday with an emotional Instagram post, sharing unseen photos of their bond and family moments. 一直没有丈夫抚养女儿的Sen称赞Alisah是“上帝最大的礼物”和她的“爱我的生活”。 Sen, who has been raising her daughters without a husband, praised Alisah as "God's greatest gift" and her "love of my life." 这篇文章从欣赏她亲爱的母爱的粉丝处得到正面评论。 The post received positive comments from fans admiring her loving motherhood.