59岁的Joseph DeLucia Jr.在计划出售之前在长岛家中杀害了4名家庭成员。 59-year-old Joseph DeLucia Jr. killed 4 family members, self in Long Island home prior to planned sale.
59 岁的小约瑟夫·德卢西亚 (Joseph DeLucia Jr.) 在他已故母亲位于长岛 Syosset 的家中杀死了他的三个兄弟姐妹和一个侄女,然后将枪口对准了自己。 59-year-old Joseph DeLucia Jr. killed his three siblings and a niece in his late mother's Syosset, Long Island home before turning the gun on himself. 该家庭曾计划卖掉房子,与房地产经纪人会面,但DeLucia Jr.不想搬家,变得暴力。 The family had planned to sell the house and meet with a realtor, but DeLucia Jr. did not want to move and became violent. 据信,小德露西亚害怕被排除在母亲的遗嘱之外,他的悲剧行为导致五人丧生。 Believed to be fearful of being excluded from his mother's will, DeLucia Jr.'s tragic actions led to the loss of five lives.