小米开发了无按钮旗舰智能手机,代号为朱克,有可能在2025年释放。 Xiaomi develops button-less flagship smartphone, codenamed Zhuque, with potential 2025 release.
小米正在开发一个没有按的旗舰智能手机,代号为Zhuque,并可能在2025年发布. Xiaomi is developing a flagship button-less smartphone, codenamed Zhuque, with a potential release in 2025. 该装置可安装手势控制器、压力感应器或语音指令。 The device could feature gesture controls, pressure-sensitive sensors, or voice commands. 电话可能由即将到来的Snapdragon 8+Gen 4 SoC提供动力,并且可能是第一个在没有物理功率或音量按钮的情况下探索这一设计的主要品牌。 The phone may be powered by the upcoming Snapdragon 8+ Gen 4 SoC and could be the first major brand to explore this design without physical power or volume buttons. Apple 的无按钮 iPhone 16 系列面临困难,这可能会让小米在全面屏、无按钮手机市场处于领先地位。 Apple's buttonless iPhone 16 series faces difficulties, potentially allowing Xiaomi to lead in the all-screen, buttonless phone market.