5名嫌疑人因将印多拉马肥料卡车转运到包奇州而在尼日利亚Jos被捕。 5 suspects arrested in Jos, Nigeria for diverting Indorama fertilizer trucks to Bauchi State.
在尼日利亚的Jos,5名嫌疑人因将两辆运往拉各斯州和奥约州的印度多拉马肥料卡车转移到Bauchi州而被捕。 5 suspects were arrested in Jos, Nigeria for diverting two trucks of Indorama fertilizer, meant for Lagos and Oyo States, to Bauchi State. 8月21日和23日,尼日利亚安全和民防军和警察逮捕了嫌犯和卡车。 The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps and the police apprehended the suspects and trucks on August 21 and 23. 目前正在进行调查,以确定哪些人负责转移基本农产品,并将他们绳之以法。 Investigations are ongoing to determine those responsible for diverting essential agricultural products and bring them to justice.